Wise Registry Cleaner中文版是一款小巧的注册表清理工具及系统优化工具,功能包括:注册表清理,注册表整理,系统优化.它可以备份和还原注册表.快速扫描注册表问题,清理注册表无效残留键值,修复清理过程非常安全,整理注册表后能提升系统性能;系统优化功能,可以优化设置,系统服务和开机启动项,提高系统运行速度.
WiseCleaner Release Logs
Wise Registry Cleaner v11.1.1 What’s new:
- 1. Improved the rules for cleaning User MRU Lists, Sound and AppEvents, and Invalid Extension.
- 2. Fixed an issue where registration status could not be checked on Windows 7 and earlier systems.
- 3. Added a form to collect user feedback.
- 4. Fixed minor bugs in the previous versions.
WiseRegistryCleane v11.x Patch (2023/05/18)