Wing FTP Server,一款专业、跨平台的FTP服务软件,支持可扩展的处理器架构,采用异步IO处理,在速度和效率上领先于其他同类产品,并且在高负载的情况下也能持续正常运行,非常适合企业文件传输。通过Web管理端,可以随时随地的轻松管理远程服务器,除了基本功能之外,还支持HTTP/SFTP文件传输、可编程的事件、计划任务、Lua脚本扩展、虚拟文件夹、磁盘容量分配、ODBC/Mysql存储、活动目录/LDAP验证等特性。
Wing FTP Server History
Wing FTP Server v7.0.2Released: 24/Jan/2022
- Improvement – Improved the FTP client compatibility, the old versions can’t handle multiple FTP commands in one packet.
- Improvement – Added two Lua APIs “c_MoveFileDir” and “c_CopyFileDir”, for moving/copying a file or folder.
- Improvement – Improved the web client UI for the desktop version.
- Improvement – Improved the web client UI for the mobile version.
- Fixed a bug – Can’t show the web client menu “More Actions” correctly with some mobile device.
WFTPServer v7.xx – Soda120 (2021/12/18)